How much can you earn per month as a Grab/Uber driver in the Philippines?

Updated Oct 14, 2020

₱40,000 per month gross? Totally possible, however, don't forget to deduct the following 5 expenses to get the most accurate estimation of your monthly earning with Uber/Grab.

How much does a Grab Peer or Uber Partner earn per month? Let us analyze.

Suppose the average that the riders usually get billed is ₱150 (including 20% revenue sharing with Uber/Grab) and the average trip a driver can take per day is 10. So if we compute the average trips with the average earnings per trip, that’s a daily income of ₱1,500 per day. If you drive for 6 days a week, that would be ₱9,000 per week and a huge income of ₱36,000 per month gross.

Now, we need to deduct the expenses you will incur including fuel consumption, mobile load, car maintenance and more. If you hire a driver, you must even pay for him.

1. Carwash

Weekly: ₱60 – ₱80
Monthly: ₱320

There's no escaping the fact that passengers prefer using these ride-sharing services as the vehicles operating are always in tip-top condition.

Regularly taking your car into a professional car wash helps remain it in the best condition

By keeping a sleek and shiny look for your car on both exterior and interior, you will definitely attract and make your passengers satisfied. Moreover, regularly taking your car into a professional car wash helps remain it in the best condition as well as protect its resale value.

Uber Partner and Grab Peer may budget around ₱320 for the carwash. To save money, surely, you can do it yourself. Here are 10 easy tips to wash your car at home.

2. Mobile load

Weekly: ₱300
Monthly: ₱1,000 – ₱1,300

It is certain that using an app-based service requires you to access the Internet all the time. Moreover, you must ensure that your Internet or data connection is strong enough not to miss potential riders.

That means a very reliable and fast connection will get you more rides. Therefore, a pocket Wi-Fi is highly recommended, but opting for it will set you back from ₱1,300 to ₱3,500 depending on the speed.

Apart from the charge for internet access, coming into contact with riders will also cost you around ₱100 every week.

Using an app-based service requires you to access the Internet all the time

3. Fuel consumption

Weekly: ₱\3,000 – ₱4,000
Monthly: ₱12,000 – ₱16,000

Average fuel consumption commonly costs ₱3,000 per week if the driver is efficient. However, it can blow up to ₱4,000 per week, so that would be ₱12,000 to ₱ 16,000 per month.

Average fuel consumption commonly costs ₱3,000 per week if the driver is efficient

4. Car maintenance

Every 6 months: ₱6,000
Monthly: ₱1,000

As a vehicle owner, it is of paramount importance that you carry out regular maintenance on your vehicle. Without proper maintenance, your vehicle will be prone to more serious problems in the future that could make you greatly out of pocket.

You have to put an average cost of P1,000 for car maintenance each month but it’s worth it for all reasons.

5. Driver’s salary

Monthly: varies depending on the driver-operator agreement

Before becoming a Grab Peer or Uber Partner, the four fixed costs above must be foremost in your mind. Nevertheless, if you hire a driver to operate your car, you need to spend more.

You are obliged to take money out of your pocket to compensate the driver. As a driver can easily jump to another partner or car services, make sure that you compensate him fairly, but still guarantee your profit.

Additionally, don’t forget to give your driver a daily or monthly food allowance. An amount of ₱100 per day is probably enough.

Overall expenses
Carwash P320
Mobile load P1,000
Fuel costs P12,000
Maintenance P1,000
Driver's salary (including food allowance) P12,400
TOTAL P26,720

So finally, the average income of a Grab Peer or Uber Partner per month would be around:

₱36,000 – ₱26,720 = ₱9,280

If you drive your own car, your net income will be around ₱21,680.

In brief, operating a Grab or Uber might be a promising business. However, it’s vital to build a proper business plan. Thus, keep the 5 expenses above in mind to succeed in this venture.