As of 03/06/2025, there is a total of 118 of new and used Isuzu cars available for sale in the Philippines including 1 Sedan, 83 SUVs, 1 Hatchback, 2 Vans . The cheapest car for sale is Isuzu Elf at ₱250,000 and driven at 100km. Meanwhile, the most expensive Isuzu car for sale is Isuzu D-Max with a price of ₱1,648,000 and driven at 15,000km.
Most popular Isuzu cars for sale
Model Name | Price |
Isuzu mu-X | From ₱680,000 - ₱980,000 |
Isuzu D-Max | From ₱498,000 - ₱1,648,000 |
Isuzu Crosswind | From ₱310,000 - ₱500,000 |
Isuzu Sportivo | From ₱350,000 - ₱678,000 |
Isuzu Traviz | From ₱888,000 - ₱998,000 |