Should traffic lights have countdown timer? [Poll of the Week]

Updated Aug 01, 2022

Same topic: Latest Traffic Updates

It can potentially make roads safer. Agree or disagree?

Traffic lights help make a busy intersection more organized and safer for motorists as well as pedestrians. A sensible individual will never take the Red-Yellow-Green lights for granted for obvious reasons.  

Traffic light with countdown timer

Fully functional and operational traffic lights or traffic signals intend to maintain roads safe by giving ample time for each motorist to cross an intersection. Aside from managing traffic flow, pedestrians are also given time to cross the street in a safer way. This is why all road users should religiously follow the traffic lights.

In case you live under a rock, Red Light means you should make a full stop. Yellow means you need to slow down since the traffic light is about to turn red. Lastly, Green means you are safe to proceed. The concept behind it is as simple as counting one to three, right?

But, there’s one thing that could make traffic lights more effective, which could potentially be more beneficial in keeping the roads safer as well as giving motorists an easier way to measure if the Green light is about to shift to Yellow

Traffic lights make an intersection more organized

The one we’re talking about is integrating the traffic lights with a countdown timer. Through this simple approach, motorists will have more insight into whether it’s still safe to cross an intersection. 

It can also result in safer roads since drivers can start to slow down ahead of time in case the countdown is about to expire. Abrupt braking before entering an intersection can be prevented if the driver is alerted ahead of time that the Green light is about to change to Yellow.

The concept of integrating a countdown timer into traffic lights is not a new thing. In fact, some traffic lights in Metro Manila are already equipped with it. If you pass by places like Rockwell in Makati City, you’ll notice that the traffic lights come with a timer. 

Having a countdown timer in traffic lights can also potentially increase the driver’s decision-making. Of note, the sensible and safer approach is to not race the countdown timer when it’s about to reach zero. Drivers should reduce speed when the timer is about to expire. 

Aside from having the ability in making the roads safer, a countdown timer on traffic lights can also give motorists peace of mind, especially now that the No Contact Apprehension Program (NCAP) is implemented in several cities in Metro Manila. 

No contact apprehension program (NCAP) is implemented in several places in Metro Manila

One of the places where NCAP is enforced is in Quezon City (QC). Similar to how NCAP works, QC makes use of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in monitoring erring motorists who disregard traffic rules and regulations. 

It added that the cameras are equipped with artificial intelligence technology to capture, photograph, and record the conduction stickers and plate numbers of vehicles in violation of traffic rules and regulations. 

That said, do you think that traffic lights should be installed with a countdown timer? Cast your vote now in Philkotse’s Poll of the Week.