PH not among world’s most traffic-jammed countries

Updated Nov 12, 2021

Same topic: Latest Traffic Updates

A study stated that the Philippines has better traffic conditions than other European countries.

Driving in the Philippines, specifically in Metro Manila, requires patience as the volume of vehicles on the road cause traffic gridlock. In fact, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) is already looking at the possibility of bringing back the number coding scheme to alleviate traffic.  

EDSA in Guadalupe Makati

Study shows that the traffic situation in PH is better  [Photo: Patrickroque01]

But, a recent study revealed that the Philippines is not among the world’s most traffic-jammed countries. Select Car, a car leasing company in the United Kingdom, conducted a study to find out which is the most, and the least traffic-jammed countries.

The findings of Select Car show that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the most traffic-jammed country. The research stated that the UAE has 850 vehicles for every mile/kilometer of road. Select Car added that UAE residents spend 406 hours in traffic per year, which translates to roughly 17 days.     

Select Car Leasing traffic study

Select Car's study

Taiwan appears to be the most traffic-jammed country in Asia as it ranks second behind the UAE. The study revealed that Taiwan has 509 vehicles for every mile/kilometer of road. Residents of Taiwan, on the other hand, spend 243 hours in traffic per year, which is around 10 days. 

Turkey, and Hong Kong ranked third and fourth, respectively with more than 400 vehicles for every mile/kilometer of road. While South Korea completes the top five most-traffic jammed countries with 393 vehicles for every mile/kilometer, and a time of 188 hours spent in traffic per year.   

Select Car Leasing traffic study

Time spent in traffic according to Select Car

The Philippines is considered as one of the least traffic-jammed countries, which is said to have better traffic conditions compared to European countries such as Ireland and Finland. Select Car’s study showed that the Philippines only has 22 vehicles for every mile/kilometer of road. The study also said that Filipinos spend 10 hours in traffic per year.

Select Car’s approach in its study involves analyzing the number of registered vehicles and miles/kilometers of road to determine the most and the least traffic-jammed countries. For time spent in traffic, each country’s vehicles-per-mile/kilometer figure was compared against an average traffic time of three studies (4,288 hours per year), and also the United Nations’ life expectancy (73 years).

From a local perspective, the data released by Select Car could stir some doubt especially for Filipinos living in Metro Manila. The vehicle volume in the nation’s capital is different as compared to Select Car’s study. 

Vehicle volume in EDSA is increasing to pre-pandemic levels, MMDA says

A different study showed that Manila City is among the world’s most stressful cities to drive in. A particular study conducted by another U.K.-based company revealed that Manila City is among the top 20 most challenging cities to drive in. The most stressful city to drive in is Mumbai in India followed by Paris, France.  

The Philippines is also regarded to have the worst traffic situation in Southeast Asia, based on a study released by an online database company Numbeo last January 2021. Globally, Numbeo’s data stated that the Philippines placed as the ninth country to have the worst traffic.

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