The importance of abiding traffic lights and road signs

Updated Aug 16, 2022 | Same topic: Let's Drive Smart!

Do you know the importance of following traffic rules and road signals? Keep reading to understand precisely about the traffic system!

You’ll notice that almost all the roads have road signals and traffic lights wherever you go. But have you ever wondered its significance? What if our roads don't have any traffic lights or road signs? What will happen? Why is it important to follow and abide in them? If you have the same thoughts, will answer that for you.

Here are some of the reasons why it is important to abide by the road signals and traffic lights.

1. Traffic lights

Traffic lights are also called in different ways like traffic lamps, signal lights, traffic semaphore, and traffic control signals. Commonly, traffic lights have three colors. Green means go, red means stop and the yellow or orange means that the signal is about to switch into green or red.

Other roads and highways only use red and green traffic light signals which bear the same meaning.

Traffic lights play a vital and crucial role in the flow of traffic every day. It prevents or at least reduces the cases of car crash and collisions in the roads especially in intersections. It provides a safe and orderly flow of cars on the roads and highways.

In addition, traffic lights also ensure the safety of pedestrians crossing the road. It ensures that pedestrians also get the same share of the road without worrying about their safety. There are probably millions of lives saved by those drivers who follow traffic lights.

Traffic lights

Traffic lights prevent or at least reduces the cases of the car crash and collisions in the roads especially in intersections

>>> Read more:

2. Road signs

There are three main types of road signs in the Philippines. Each of it bears significance that every driver should remember and follow.

Warning signs

Road signs and traffic signs promote safe driving conditions. Warning signs tell if the road ahead has curves and turns. It also indicates if there will be merge and lane transition, intersections, pedestrian crossing, hill warning, divided highway, speed bump notices, narrowed road, roundabout, and advance traffic control.

Not following warning signs can cause great danger especially when the warning signs indicates that there are an ongoing construction work or hazard ahead. Examples are slippery road and falling rocks.

Warning signs

Warning signs tell if the road ahead has curves and turns

Advisory or regulatory signs

Advisory signs are those that indicate the right and maximum speed in a particular road, it also shows if the road is one way only, even those signs we often see before we cross bridges that indicates the weight capacity of the bridge.

Other examples of regulatory signs are no overtaking, no entry, no parking, no blowing of horns, and no U-turn. It is important to take note and follow advisory signs for your own safety and for the safety of other drivers as well. It should also be followed if you don’t want to get caught and ticketed by a traffic enforcer.

Regulatory road signs

Advisory signs are those that indicate the right and maximum speed in a particular road

Information road signs

Information road signs are signs that provide important information for the drivers. It tells if there is a nearby hospital, airport or hotel. It also tells the distance of the next city or town as well as the right loading and unloading area. It can also give directions to drivers in the right place to park their vehicles.

Information road signs

Information road signs are signs that provide important information for the drivers

Information road signs are signs that provide important information for the drivers. It tells if there is a nearby hospital, airport or hotel. It also tells the distance of the next city or town as well as the right loading and unloading area.

3. Why should we follow the road signals and traffic lights?


First and foremost, we follow traffic lights and road signals for safety – the safety of ourselves and the safety of all the people on the road. Without traffic lights, the number of accidents and fatalities will significantly increase especially on road intersections. It has contributed so much in lessening car accidents and collision and saving millions of lives.

>>> Also check: Top 5 causes of road accidents in the Philippines.

Traffic lights also help pedestrians to safely cross the roads. If we don't follow the traffic lights, our roads will be dangerous. Accidents will happen every minute and the safety of each individual will be at risk.

Road signs are also very helpful in keeping us safe. It tells us if there are dangers and hazards ahead. It provides us warnings on what’s ahead, be it heavy traffic, sharp curves and turns, road constructions and many more. Road signs keep us aware of any imminent danger so that we can protect ourselves.

If a driver will not abide or follow road signs, he/she is putting himself/herself to danger together with his/her passengers. It will also make driving a very dangerous activity.

Philippines road

Road signs keep us aware of any imminent danger so that we can protect ourselves


Imagine a road without traffic lights or road signs, we would have very dangerous and chaotic roads. The same goes when we don’t follow road signs and traffic lights. Our roads will be in total chaos and traffic will be at its worst. Office workers and students will be late in their respective classes and jobs.

Philippines traffic

Imagine a road without traffic lights or road signs, we would have very dangerous and chaotic roads

There will be total gridlock. We will have disorderly and chaotic roads and highways. The main purpose of road signs is to make the run of transportation in the road’s smooth and systematic. That is why, following them is very important, to keep our roads in order.

>>> Grasp your attention: 7 safety tips for driving during traffic congestion in the Philippines.

Fines and Penalties

Of course, if a person did not follow the road signs and traffic lights, he or she will have to face corresponding fines and penalties if caught by a traffic enforcer. That is if only caught violating.

However, if the violation of the rule resulted in an accident that leads to an injury of another individual – driver or pedestrian – he or she will have to face filed charges against him on top of the fines and penalties he/she has to pay.

Philippines traffic fines

There will be corresponding fines and penalties if caught by a traffic enforcer

The same goes when the violation of traffic rules resulted in damage to property. Your license might also be subjected for suspension or revocation, depending on the damage or injury caused by the violations of traffic rules.

Lots of road crash and accidents happen because drivers didn’t follow traffic rules. This is one of the main reasons why abiding road signs and traffic lights are very important. Road signs and traffic lights are there for a reason. It is there for us to abide and follow.

They are very important because they promote safety and order on our roads and highways. They also serve as warnings of dangers ahead. They make our driving experience better and safer.

Hanna Sanchez

Hanna Sanchez


Hanna is one of the most competitive swimmers in the country during her day. It was not long before she discovered her passion for the automotive industry as well. Nowadays, she balances her passion through writing as well as coaching.

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