Wearing seatbelt, to avoid fine or save life?

Updated Aug 09, 2019 | Same topic: Let's Drive Smart!

Most people don't fully understand the functions of seatbelt. It serves more than a string to hold you tight in seat.

Wearing car seatbelt while driving might not be the habit of many Filipinos because they tend to overlook how important it is. Simple as it may seem, this action can actually save your life in case of a car crash. Statistics recently has shown that around 80% of victims did not wear seatbelts at the time of car crashes.

According to safety inspections, drivers can completely keep themselves safe from injury only when the car moves at a speed of 5km/h. When the car is running at 70 km/h, based on the law of inertia force, the person sitting in car speeds as close to the speed of the vehicle itself. So, if there is a problem that causes the car to stop abruptly, passengers without seat belts will be thrown forward with the same speed. Car seat belts will help protecting you from this danger.

>>> Related post: Seat belts safety: 5 things you need to know

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Embrace Life - always wear your seat belt

Studies have also shown that, for a 70 kg driver who has front impact in accident, he would be afffected by a force of about 3 tons. This figure will be up to 9 tons if the vehicle is running at 80 km/h. It this case, should the owner ignore wearing the seatbelt, his survival chance is probably minimal.

wearing seat belt in car

Many countries applying mandatory fastened seatbelts have gained positive results.

At present, traffic safety laws of all countries require mandatory car seatbelt fastened when driving. You have to pay a fine up to Php 5,000 for violating this regulation. Swiss statistics show that the number of fatalities in accidents has decreased three times after applying compulsory law for seat belt.

>>> Must read: Republic act 8750 on seat belt law in the Philippines: Know it, Follow it

In Japan, researchers have reported that in 75% of accidents due to collision, drivers were saved by wearing a seat belt. Especially in the event of vehicle overturns, the survival rate will be 91%. This directly indicates the importance of seatbelt for both driver and passengers.

Back to the Philippines, the fact people don't wear seat belts mainly results from the ignorance of drivers, thinking it's unnecessary and inconvenient. Moreover, cramped road conditions or traffic in big cities all make car users to underestimate the importance of seat belts.

Wearing a seat belt is simple, but its benefits for drivers and passengers is enormous. Always remember to protect yourself, your family and friends just by fastening the seatbelt and asking others to do the same.

>>> Check out to learn the complete list of LTO penalties and fines in the Philippines.

fastening seat belts in car

Practice the habit of wearing seat belts in car to protect you and others

Hopefully, this post on Philkotse.com has provided you with helpful safe driving tips.