[Philkotse guide] 6 things you shouldn't do when renting a car

Updated Aug 09, 2022 | Same topic: Best Advice for Car Buyers

This is a list of 6 things most people mistakenly do when renting a car and the reason why you should avoid doing the same mistake.

Owning a car is one of the greatest achievements in every Filipino’s life. After the hard work, the stress and the financial slopes, they finally get the car they want. Sure, owning a car can be troublesome. You will need a garage and gas money. You will also need to pay for parking. You will even need to set aside extra money for repair and maintenance.

But on the opposite rack, having a car also provides tons of pros. You are your own driver. You won’t have to share the ride with people you don’t want. You don’t have to travel with people you don’t trust. If your vehicle has an air conditioning system, you also won’t have to endure the heat outside. All of that sounds mighty fine, but what if you don’t have your own car?

rent a car

What you shouldn't do when renting a car?

That’s where the convenience of renting a car comes in. You get the perks of having a car without spending as much as buying a new one. All you have to do is find a car rental service and approach the agent. You’ll have a car to use in just a few minutes!

However, keep in mind that there are still restrictions that you need to abide by. If you don’t follow them, you could end up with fees and a splitting headache. To help you understand this better, Philkotse.com compiled the don’ts when you rent a car. Take a look here:

1. Renting out a rented car

If you rent a car from a car rental shop, the deal is between you and the shop. Once you extend the deal to a third-party, you will be responsible for whatever they do to the vehicle. When you rent a car, you will be asked to sign legally binding documents.

Once you sign these documents, you agree that the car will be your responsibility. Any damage, theft, or loss of the vehicle will get you problems. If dents and scratches are the problems, your auto insurance may help. However, these only cover particular cases. They are also usually capped at a particular amount.

>>> You might concern: Renting a car in the Philippines: A complete guideline.

2. Buying insurance for your rented vehicle

You may be tempted to buy insurance for your rent. This is actually a good idea in case you run into trouble. However, you shouldn’t just jump into signing the papers just yet. First, ask yourself if you have your own auto insurance.

This is because some insurers actually cover rented cars. This can be a part of the coverage you bought or an add-on. If you’re not sure whether your insurance plan covers your rented cars, call your insurer first. This may take a little of your time, but it’s worth it. The insurance may save you money that you can spend on more important things.

Man signing a paper

You shouldn’t just jump into signing the papers just yet

3. Buying insurance for your vehicle part two

Insurance for a rented car is always a good idea. But this can be a problem if you’re low on budget. If that’s exactly your problem, there’s good news for you. Before getting auto insurance from a new provider, check your credit card first.

If you can remember having a car insurance guarantee, you can use that to your advantage. If you can’t remember whether you have insurance or not, don’t hesitate to call your card provider.

They will usually be very happy to receive your call. Also, if you have insurance with your credit card, it will most likely be part of a deal. For example, you will have to use the card with the auto insurance offer to rent the car. If not, your purchase will be invalid.

toy car, calculator and coins

Before getting auto insurance from a new provider, check your credit card first

4. Falling for the prepaid gasoline

Car rental companies don’t just rent out cars. These companies also have other ways to boost their profits. One of them is offering prepaid gas. Prepaid gas basically has enough gas in the car you want to rent. This is usually so you won’t have to look for a gasoline station. This is a convenient choice if you are in a hurry.

However, this will most likely be more expensive than refilling at gasoline stations. So if you’re not in a hurry, you can just rent the car. After that, you can sort out where the nearest gas station is.

Man in the gas station

Prepaid gas basically has enough gas in the car you want to rent

>>> Check out: How to compute your actual fuel consumption?

5. Picking the biggest vehicle they have in stock

You will most likely forget this tip under two conditions. One is that if you’re in a hurry and two is if you’re crazy rich. But if you’re part of the population who are looking for discounts, this is for you. When you walk into the car rental shop, don’t ask for the biggest vehicle. Why? Because agents are salesmen who are trained to upsell their services.

It’s most likely that they’ll give you a more affordable offer if you start low. Businesses will want to earn as much as possible. That’s why if you start big, there won’t be an upsize anymore.

You’ll end up paying for the default price set for that vehicle. While if you start low, agents will assume you only have little money to spend. By offering you to upsize with a wee bit more money, you’ll avoid paying for the upfront price of the bigger vehicle.

a row of cars

When you walk into the car rental shop, don’t ask for the biggest vehicle

>>> Also check: 5 practical tips on how to negotiate a car deal in the Philippines.

6. Failing to notice damages on the vehicle

Renting a five-star car means that you will have to return it to the same state you rented it. If not, you will be liable to pay for fines and repairs. If you are not capable of paying fines, you will be a law offender. To avoid this predicament, keep your rented car safe. Also, make sure you point out any damages to the agent before you drive away with the vehicle.

For example, if you notice that the side mirror is loose, tell it to the agent immediately. If you didn’t tell the agent about this, you might have a problem when returning it. If the agent notices the loose side view mirror upon return, the blame is on you. They will hold you responsible.

car in the dealership

Renting a five-star car means that you will have to return it the same state you rented it

Hanna Sanchez

Hanna Sanchez


Hanna is one of the most competitive swimmers in the country during her day. It was not long before she discovered her passion for the automotive industry as well. Nowadays, she balances her passion through writing as well as coaching.

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