SUVs - Inevitable development trend of auto industry

Updated Sep 21, 2022 | Same topic: Automotive Industry Updates

Through improvement efforts in the design thinking, product orientation, fuel efficiency technologies as well as increased performance, the Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are now becoming “the Ace” of all car makers.
In the 90s, SUVs used to consume more fuel and didn’t have enough necessary accessories compared to sedans and hatchbacks at the same price range. However, the gap between SUVs and sedans has gradually been filled due to the former's ability to cater to a wide range of drivers’ needs and wants.

SUVs are being upgraded in terms of accessories and many models have gone beyond the sedans at the same price range.

Specifically, Audi has the A8 sedan and is about to produce the Q8 SUV; BMW is going to launch the X7; Mercedes-Benz is likely to make the GLS become their counterweight.  
Mercedes-Benz GLS

The gap between SUVs and sedans has gradually been filled 

More exceptionally, Bentley with the Bentayga, Maybach with G650 Landaulet, and Rolls-Royce with Cullinan are prestigious names that can make the auto industry believe in real super-luxury SUVs. Apart from these brands, many car enthusiasts are looking forward to the debut of the Lamborghini Urus next year.

Many car enthusiasts are looking forward to the debut of the Lamborghini Urus next year

Furthermore, SUVs also take advantages of the space (especially the legroom) and the ground clearance that the sedans cannot afford.

During the last few years, the global oil prices have fallen sharply. This is also considered as one of the reasons for the development of SUVs. Additionally, the exterior designs, features, accessories, and the fuel efficiency of SUVs are significantly improved.
Mercedes-Benz EQ

SUVs also take advantages of the space (especially the legroom) and the ground clearance that the sedans cannot afford

In the future, SUVs will carry out the “Green Revolution” with the release of electrical vehicles (EVs) like Mercedes-Benz EQ. It is certain that SUVs must continue being the development trend of most automakers at the present time if they don’t want to fall behind their rivals.