What's a Cabin Air Filter and When Should you Replace it?

Updated Aug 16, 2022 | Same topic: Handy Maintenance Tips

Do you know that the cabin air filter is super important? That's why you need to learn how to replace the failing cabin air filter properly.

In order to have a comfortable ride, your car has to be running smoothly and is clean and well ventilated. Good thing there are car components that help in making the car ride pleasant by offering clean air in the interior. This car component is the cabin air filter.

It is responsible for cleaning the air that comes ion to the car's cabin through ventilation, air-conditioning, and heating. But just like any other car parts, the cabin air filter also needs repair or replacement.

This article from Philkotse.com will help you better understand the cabin air filter and when should you replace it.

1. What is a cabin air filter?

Most of us are aware that our car's engine has an air filter. But are you aware that the car's ventilation, heating, and air conditioning or HVAC system also have one? It is called the cabin air filter. It also performs the same duties to the HVAC system as the engine air filter.

The cabin air filter filters pollen, dust, and other pollutants or airborne materials that make the whole drive unpleasant especially if you have respiratory problems and allergies. The main role of the cabin air filter is to clean the air that comes into the car’s interior.

cabin air filter

The main role of the cabin air filter is to clean the air that comes into the car’s interior

2. How does it work?

In order for the vehicle to run properly, clean air is needed. The engine filter of the car ensures that clean air reaches the engine. The same way goes for the vehicles ventilation system. It keeps the steady stream of flowing clean air.

Aside from filtering the dust and pollen off the HVAC system, it also prevents the dirt, exhaust gases, and bacteria from entering the HVAC system as well. The cabin air filter is vital in keeping the air in the interior clean. It keeps the air fresh for passengers and occupants to breathe in.

car air filter

Aside from filtering the dust and pollen off the HVAC system, it also prevents the dirt, exhaust gases, and bacteria

>>> Read more: 6 common kinds of car air filter & how to choose the best one.

3. Signs that cabin air filters need changing

Unlike other car parts, the cabin air filter has no indication or warning light that indicates it needs changing. However, there are noticeable signs that show your cabin air filter is needed to be replaced.

  • A decrease in air circulation inside the passenger compartment
  • Reduced air conditioning and heating performance
  • The cabin of the car has a musty odor
  • The unusual whistling sound is heard in the cabin air intake duct

If you notice one or more of these signs, then it means you have to replace your cabin air filter. You can change it on your own or you can also hire your trusted mechanic to the job for you.

Dirty cabin air filter

There are noticeable signs that show your cabin air filter is needed to be replaced

>>> Related: Cabin vs Engine air filter: What are their functions and differences?

4. How to change the cabin air filter?

Before changing the cabin air filter, you must first check the location of it in your car. Cabin air filters are located in different part depending on the car model. Many cabin air filters are placed at the back of the glove box and very accessible by removing the glove box and freeing it from the fasteners.

If your cabin air filter is situated at the back of the glove box, here is the step-by-step guide in replacing it.

location of cabin air filter

Cabin air filters are located in different part depending on the car model

Step #1.

Open the glove box then take out its content

Step #2.

Remove the limiting stop by sliding it off the pin. The limiting stop arm is on the right side of the glove box.

Step #3.

Grasp the back and front of the glove box. Squeeze them towards each other until the clamps on the side pop free. When the sides are already free, drop the whole glove box down. This will allow you to see the faceplate to the cabin air filter channel.

Step #4.

Lift the latches on the sides of the faceplate, sliding it out of the way. It will open the filter compartment up. Now, pull out the old cabin filter. Be careful not to scatter any dirt, trash, and dust into the vehicle. When removing the cabin air filter, observe which direction the arrows are facing. It indicates the airflow’s direction.

>>> Also check: Replacing car air filter: Must-have skills that every Filipino driver needs to know.

air filter

Before changing the cabin air filter, you must first check the location of it in your car

Step #5.

Before installing a new cabin air filter, clean the filter chamber first then check the gaskets and seals. Vacuum the filter chamber and use a damp cloth to wipe it and get rid of any stray contaminants. Observe the gaskets and seal too if they also need changing.

Step #6.

Make sure that the new air cabin filter you’ll install matches the previous one. Double-check it, making sure the arrows are pointing in the same direction just like the old filter you removed. Slide in the new filter.

Step #7.

After making sure that the current filter is in place, replace the faceplate. Then put back the glove box in its place. after that, reinstall the limiting stop and put back everything in the glove box.

*Some cabin air filters are located under the hood or dashboard which may not be as accessible as the ones at the back of the glove box. To be safe, always refer to the owner’s manual when changing the air filters.

5. When is the right time to change the cabin air filter?

The recommended time to change the cabin air filter is every 12,000 miles or every year. However, replacing the cabin air filter also depends on the area you’re driving, for example, you usually drive in areas that are heavily polluted or driving on dusty and dirt roads.

If that’s the case, then you have to change the cabin air filter every 5,000 miles. Car owners with allergies or respiratory problems might also want to change it more often, ensuring the air quality and to also lessen the symptoms of their allergy or respiratory problems.

new and used cabin air filter

The recommended time to change the cabin air filter is every 12,000 miles or every year

>>> Worth your attention: 8 telltale signs that you need to replace your air filter.

6. What happens if you didn’t change the cabin air filter?

If you neglect to change your cabin air filter, it will be more clogged with debris and dirt making it inefficient to its job. Your HVAC’s system will lose its ability to provide cleaner and fresher air. The air volume in your car’s cabin will continue to lessen which will result in smelly or foul odors in the passenger compartment.

By simply changing the cabin air filter, the quality of air inside the car will dramatically improve.

Hanna Sanchez

Hanna Sanchez


Hanna is one of the most competitive swimmers in the country during her day. It was not long before she discovered her passion for the automotive industry as well. Nowadays, she balances her passion through writing as well as coaching.

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