Protect your car with car security systems - What's your answer?

Updated Dec 31, 2020 | Same topic: Handy Maintenance Tips

Is installing a car alarm very practical? Here are some answers about installing one today.

By default most cars come with their own stock car security systems, but is it really needed? What reasons prompt it to be done.

Sounds redundant when cars have become theft-proof and with the inclusion of the immobilizer system, make auto theft impossible. But, still, the question of whether to bolster the current car security systems a bit more.

More than often, car alarms are mostly associated with loud blaring sirens, which annoy everyone within earshot of the car. Since it needs deactivating at some point then going within range to shut it down can be a hassle too!

car security

By default most cars come with their own stock car security systems, but is it really needed?

One good thing about new technology is that it’s gotten better and car alarms are less boisterous than before. But the technology can be a bit confusing, and with improved security in cars, it will need some clarity. Just random installation is not advisable but knowing all aspects should be covered. To kick off whether to buy or not, here are some reasons to consider.

1. Why need car security systems?

Protecting an investment

Cars don’t come cheap and its blood, sweat, and hard work to keep on paying the insurance and monthly payments. Would anyone let another steal any personal belonging? The same goes for the car, and it is indispensable for many people. Yes, cars do come with immobilizers, that make them theft-proof. But, perps are smart; and all it takes is good timing then it’s goodbye car!

Cars or valuables can still be stolen despite measures taken

All it takes is a brick, and the glass is broken, that simple. Cars with no immobilizers can be stolen or ransacked by perps. Car alarms are limited unless they can immobilize or scare off perps. Immobilizers and RFID keys help in preventing auto theft better than any “loud” alarm.

car security system

One good thing about new technology is that it’s gotten better and car alarms are less boisterous than before

Visual and mechanical deterrents help in averting auto theft

Devices like wheel locks or clutch locks help in deterring theft just by looking at it. Perps like it easy because when they catch attention, it doesn’t go well. Simple devices that secure are just as effective as the most sophisticated car security system.

Install it professionally not DIY

Most car security systems must be installed by technicians not DIY. Proper connection of wires and other stuff can harm the electrical system when done the wrong way.

We’ve got some more topics to cover, let’s move along!

2. Factors to consider when choosing car security systems

Getting a car alarm? introduces here factors that should be considered before taking the dive. But make sure to optimize all choices for better results for car security systems.

Multiple sensors​

Premium car alarms have several sensors that detect theft in real-time! These sensors will detect broken windows, tampered locks and other significant means of entering the car.

car sensors

These sensors will detect broken windows, tampered locks and other significant means of entering the car

Loud sirens

Loud noise is the simplest and best deterrent against any perp attempting to steal the car. When triggered, the siren will make a ruckus that will scare of the perp and keep the car safe.

>>> Read more: Anti-theft features in car that Filipino drivers should know about

Modular options

Some alarms come in one piece and in modular options. Modular alarms allow selection of preferred components that are added later. It is easily installed compared to more complex alarms.

Another component of car security systems is a movement sensor that detects vibrations and sounds. One of the more expensive options that cost a bit more, but gives better peace of mind.

Door detectors

If the perp is foolish enough to try opening the door without knowing a door sensor is installed! If the lock is forced, then it is triggered by sudden movement. These sensors feel even the slightest movement, and this makes it hard to bypass.

Broken window detectors

A microphone is attached that will detect breaking class or a sensor that detects pressure on the glass. The sensor triggers the alarm if the glass window is broken by a perp.

broken car window

A microphone is attached that will detect breaking class or a sensor that detects pressure on the glass

Movement detectors

If the car is shaken by jiggling or if the car is bumped that triggers the alarm. This helps whenever the car is bumped, by any other vehicle in a parking lot.

Motion detectors

This is notoriously bothersome because anything within “close proximity” will trigger the alarm. Despite this, it is effective in keeping perps from getting close to the car. No crime can happen; if the perps can’t get close to the car. That simple and basic, but adding the other sensors will make it very effective.

car motion detectors

This is notoriously bothersome because anything within “close proximity” will trigger the alarm

These sensors can work as one or integrated as a single system that defines an excellent car security system.

3. Three kinds of car security systems

Know the three basic kinds of alarms that keep cars safe from perps. Info about these types of alarms will help in choosing the best car alarm to install.

Type #1. Active and passive alarms

These alarms are activated via different methods, and they are passive and active. Passive mode is activated when the ignition is set to off, with all doors locked. The opposite is active; it will need a button press, to arm the car security system. These car security systems can be set for either active or passive mode. Don’t settle for anything less because it keeps the car safer.

car alarm system

These alarms are activated via different methods, and they are passive and active

Type #2. Audible car alarm

This is one of the most hated alarm because of the ruckus it makes when triggered by sensors placed on the car! Better yet the sensitivity of the alarms is adjustable from not to extremely annoying too. Which makes it so effective, especially if there is no closed garage in the house. Basic and terribly effective that costs less than more complex alarm systems to install. Just the noise will send the perps scampering like little rats.

audible car alarm system

This is one of the most hated alarm because of the ruckus it makes when triggered by sensors placed on the car

>>> Related: Car alarm in the Philippines: Installation guide, How it works, How to stop it & What to buy

Type #3. Two-way paging car alarms

Call this the "Rolls Royce" of car security systems because it sends updates and why it has gone off, via a small LCD on the control console. If basic alarms just flashlights, it does one better by sending messages to the controller; up to a mile away! Plus, it sends in real-time for the car owner to act if the car alarm is triggered.

two-way paging car alarm

It sends in real-time for the car owner to act if the car alarm is triggered

These three different alarm systems can be chosen but check with tech if a DIY or pro installation will do.

4. Car security systems: Buy or Not!

Car security systems are the best way to prevent theft and prevent perps from stealing valuables as well. Most cars have their built-in security system, plus the immobilizer which kills the engine if the RFID code is not sent.

Is it practical to install extra car alarms when cars have it? The answer is yes because sensors that detect shaking, broken windows and vibrations via sensors deter perps effectively. Audible alarms just by the noise they make can be an effective deterrent too.

Car theft is not totally preventable but using car security systems will do just that! Just choose what car alarm suits the budget and inclination. Look over these tips in the primer to decide!

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