Driving on a flat tire: Signs, warnings & tricks for Pinoy drivers

Updated Aug 16, 2022 | Same topic: Let's Drive Smart!

Read on the consequences of driving on a flat tire and helpful tips on how to survive driving in this situation.

Owning a car comes with many problems and responsibilities that can sometimes equal to the privileges it offers. Two of the many requirements of your car are the replacement of wear-and-tear parts and addressing problems that call for repair. The tires are just one of the many parts that are both wear-and-tear components and could also require a replacement an any given moment.

Suddenly ending up with a flat tire can be very stressful and inconvenient but we can only do so much once it has already happened. Sometimes, you may be doing all the necessary tire maintenance procedures but you can still end up having a flat tire experience due to elements you can’t control. Road and weather conditions are two great examples of these.

Still, the practice of adhering to maintenance routines greatly decrease the chances of having a flat tire caused by elements that you could control. Maintenance procedures like wheel rotation make sure that the tires wear out evenly so each tire is as thick (or thin) as the others on each side.

This will prevent stray debris to puncture the tires and leave you with a flat rubber. Philkotse.com prepared some helpful tips and warnings about driving on flat tires.

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What happens if you drive on a flat tire

>>> Also read: How to survive driving on bald tires?

1. Signs telling that you’re driving on a flat tire

Driving even on a sunny day immediately becomes a headache once you realize you got a flat tire. In fact, we bet that almost every driver out there who has ever owned a car has their own flat-tire story to tell.

However, if you’re one of the few lucky folks out there who has never experienced riding on a flat tire, be reminded of the signs below:

  • There is an awkward vibration that will make driving very uncomfortable. This may be caused by any other defect in the car but the tires should be the first parts that need to be checked.
  • You may feel that the vehicle is slowing down for no reason. This can happen even if you were driving at a steady pace of 50 kilometers per hour. Your car may just slow down and feel heavier from the gas pedal. It will take more pressure to the accelerator to initiate movement.

Driving slow while having flat tire

You may feel that the vehicle is slowing down for no reason.

  • The steering wheel will most likely veer to the direction of the flat tire. It will feel like a tugging motion as if someone was pulling the wheel to the side.
  • There may be a strange noise all of a sudden. It could be different from every time you blow out a tire. This is usually the sound of the engine from too much strain and sometimes it’s the metal rolling on asphalt.

man driving

The steering wheel will most likely veer to the direction of the flat tire.

>>> Related: How to remove tire from rim

2. Why you shouldn’t drive on a flat tire

Experts strongly suggest that you don’t drive on a flat tire. Doing so comes with tons of consequences you may regret soon enough. The thought of stretching the ride even on a flat tire might kick in.

However, we strongly suggest that if it’s not too much of a problem to wait for roadside assistance instead, it’s definitely best not to give in – here’s why:

  • The tires could be damaged beyond repair. Manufacturers originally designed cars to be replaced with their respective spare tires once you have a flat tire. You should then be able to drive off at a limited speed to the nearest service center. However, if you choose to drive on your damaged tire then you may make it worse and chances of successfully repairing it could greatly decrease.

damaged tire

The tires could be damaged beyond repair.

  • Your vehicle’s weight is riding on the rim. Once you have a completely underinflated tire, you can best bet that the rim is the only element that’s keeping your weight unto the ground.
  • If you decide to still take your car for a drive regardless of the flat tire, you should also be informed that you’re not only damaging the tires and the rim. Other expensive parts such as the rotors, the brake calipers, and suspension parts also get damaged from all this momentum. You are also putting too much strain on the engine as it tries to keep up with you pressing on the excessive accelerator.

flat tire

Other expensive parts such as the rotors, the brake calipers, and suspension parts also get damaged from all this momentum.

  • You become a danger to yourself and to others. If you’re still not convinced and you really need to get going, realize that a flat tire is a hazard to you and everyone else around you. A flat tire lessens the handling and traction of the vehicle. You can ultimately lose control and start an accident that can also harm others.

>>> Read also our useful tips to prevent flat tire for Pinoy drivers.

3. How to survive driving on a flat tire

Once you realize the terrors and financial consequences that driving on a flat tire can get you, you’ll most likely consider and just wait for road assistance. However, in the event of an emergency and you really need to get your tire repaired immediately, we can tell you how to drive on a flat tire.

We highly recommend that you don’t do this unless you really need to. It is safer to wait for capable people to haul your ride and repair it, but if you really do, here’s how to drive your car safely on a flat tire.

Trick #1

Pull in to traffic slowly and keep a slow pace. Once you drive into the highway, you can expect other drivers to start pointing out that your tire is flat. This may feel awkward but you can simply acknowledge their concern while keeping your speed steady.

Trick #2

Avoid bumpy roads. Our country was never really popular for having smooth roads so this may be a challenge. Still, do your best to minimize the damage that you’re inflicting on your vehicle by avoiding bumps, cracks, and potholes on your way.

Trick #3

Take a straight path, if you can. Driving on a flat tire will cause a dragging feeling to the side of the affected tire. Attempting to make curves especially in descending or ascending paths double, if not triple the strain on your vehicle. Before you leave the area where you realized you had a flat tire, plan the most straight path that that will lead to your destination.

Running on flat tire

Take a straight path, if you can. Driving on a flat tire will cause a dragging feeling to the side of the affected tire

Visit Philkotse.com daily for more useful tips on car maintenance & safe driving.

Hanna Sanchez

Hanna Sanchez


Hanna is one of the most competitive swimmers in the country during her day. It was not long before she discovered her passion for the automotive industry as well. Nowadays, she balances her passion through writing as well as coaching.

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