What does it mean by "smog check"?
As the government pays more attention to the natural surroundings and gives less mercy to those who harm it, the laws that govern our actions are more driven towards care for nature. One of the ways that they try their best to nurture Mother Earth is by minimizing the number of vehicles that emit nature-damaging substances.
It has long been featured in the news and TV stations that the local enforcement who govern the highway and roads of Metro Manila have proceeded to take action in regards to this.
They would set up surprise checkpoints in which they randomly call in vehicles to take a smog check. Those who drove clean vehicles were let off the hook but those that didn’t were left off with a warning.

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Although this isn’t as tight and strict when it comes to the rest of the country, failing to pass a smog check can really get you some fees you don’t want to pay for. So what will we suggest? Get these tips from Philkotse.com and learn how to pass a smog check!
There’s no other way around it so it’s best to just pass the test. You won’t only be avoiding trouble for your vehicle and yourself, but you’re also doing your part in keeping Mother Nature cleaner – a win-win for everybody!
1. Take a look at your “check engine” light
This is one of the most obvious ways you can win a “passed” evaluation on your vehicle’s smog check. If the “check engine” light is on, then you can best assume that there is something wrong under the hood. If you did confirm that something is wrong then you can certainly expect that the gas your car emits is also affected – in a bad way.
One of the usual reasons why this particular light indicator would turn on is if there’s something wrong with the oxygen sensor. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it failed to do its job but it may just be the cause for you to fail that smog check.
One of the usual reasons why this particular light indicator would turn on is if there’s something wrong with the oxygen sensor
2. Drive your car faster than usual
News and radio stations always race after the newest and latest updates even in the smallest localities. There could be a large chance that even before there is a surprise inspection at any of the roads in your area, the local news has already uncovered it. This will help you prep up your vehicle before actually exposing it to the suspicious highways.
Once you get news about an imminent mandatory smog check, take your car to long and speedy drives even if it’s still two weeks before the actual day. If you’re wondering how this will work in your favor, just think of the “catalytic converter”.
This is the element that burns and eradicates any residue left by any oil type in your engine. If you managed to drive your car fast and long enough to heat up the catalytic converter, then it may also burn any gas that can be troublesome for you in that future smog inspection.
Once you get news about an imminent mandatory smog check, take your car to long and speedy drives
3. Get an oil change if necessary
If you really want to ace that smog check then don’t hold back on the oil change. Any dirty engine oil with sediments and junk can only result in two bad things – a defective engine and a costly repair.
If you can’t remember the last time you had your vehicle's oil changed, then before the smog check would be the best time. Only do this if you really need to, as this can be expensive. When you get your car to the mechanic’s, make the most out of what you’re spending by asking him to check if you have defective hoses and wirings as well.
Any dirty engine oil with sediments and junk can only result in two bad things – a defective engine and a costly repair
>>> Worth to note: 5 signs to check if your car needs an oil change
4. Consider getting a tune-up too
Only you know what kind of driving scenarios you’ve put your car up against. So if you think that your vehicle could use a tune-up before the smog check then go right ahead. However, this might be something that you’d want to be done a few weeks before the actual smog check.
After you’re done with the tune-up you would still need to run your car for long distances to make sure it has a high chance of passing the smog check.
5. Check your coolant levels
The science behind this tip lies behind the fact that you will be driving your car at a high speed while staying in one place once your car is being checked. If you were to this out in the real road, you would be facing winds that will help cool down your engine even with the high rate of heating up.
However, in the controlled environment of the smog check, there would be barely enough cool air to go around. This is where your vehicle’s coolant comes in to save the day for you, so make sure it’s topped off to the indicated maximum level.
Make sure the vehicle's coolant topped off to the indicated maximum level
6. Make sure the tires are at their best
There are smog tests that only checks the gas emitted by a vehicle with an instrument. However, there are also those that require you to drive your car on to a ramp with rollers. So you’ll basically be running your car in place with the wheels moving.
Lucky for you if this isn’t what you have to look forward to. However, if you have a habit of driving with your tires underinflated then your vehicle may have a hard time with the mentioned set-up. In this scenario, your engine pushes itself harder to reach the requirement of the test.
This stresses how much the underinflated tires can really affect your smog check results.
There is a test that requires you to drive your car on to a ramp with rollers
>>> View more: [Tire safety tips] How to prolong the lifespan of the tire?
7. Add a little bit of this
After you’ve done all that you can to make sure you pass the smog check but you’re still doubtful of yourself, you can result to this little tip. Use an additive to reach into those tight spots that need care the most but seldom receive it.
A good suggestion is adding a bit of Techron into your preparation list. It can loosen up those clogged openings in the smallest spaces that most other products can’t achieve.
>>> Click here for more useful tips and advice for smart driving.
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