6 ways to reduce your driving emissions

Updated May 26, 2017 | Same topic: Save fuel - Save Earth

It is the vehicle emissions that heavily contribute to the serious pollution in many big cities all over the world and Metro Manila isn’t an exception.
The pollution in Metro Manila is increasingly alarming. You will have no surprise when knowing that more than 80% of air pollution in Metro Manila comes from vehicles, according to a study by the Environmental Management Bureau.

Fortunately, you yourself can reduce the vehicle emissions by taking some following steps:

1. Reduce idling

Leave your car idling means that you are letting it emit carbon dioxide for no reason. This wastes fuel and also increases the vehicle emissions to the air.
No idling

Idling wastes fuel and increases the vehicle emissions.

It is true that sometimes, we can’t avoid idling. However, you should eliminate idling in possible situations.

Specifically, anytime you must wait in your car for more than 10 seconds, for examples while sitting at a stop light or a traffic jam, it is more fuel-efficient and less harmful to the environment to turn the engine off. Even your car has an automatic start/stop button, you should push it off.

2. Turn the air-conditioner off when you’re close to your destination

Turn your air-conditioner off around 5 to 10 minutes before you reach your destination is definitely recommended.
Turn air-conditioner off

Turn your air-conditioner off around 5 to 10 minutes before you reach your destination.

Not only does this action save fuel but also reduces the vehicle emissions, it also helps your body adapt quickly to the outside temperature when getting out of your car.

3. Clean and change your air filter

A clogged air filter can damage your heating and cooling system. Thus, if you check your air filter and clean it regularly you will ensure the longevity of your system.

According car maintenance experts, the ideal frequency of cleaning the air filter is every 3 months or 5,000 kilometers, whichever comes first and every 12 months or 20,000 kilometers if you want to replace it.
Check the engine bay

Check and clean your air filter regularly

Clean air filter keeps the contaminants out of the engine, which results in more efficient running and cleaner emission.

4. Replace the engine oil

Make sure that you change the engine oil in your vehicle regularly because dirty oil allows gunk and carbon to accumulate in the car engine which can produce more smog and emissions.
Change the oil

The engine oil should be changed every 3,000 to 5,000 kilometers.
The engine oil should be changed every 3,000 to 5,000 kilometers, depending on your driving frequency, your driving habits, the age and type of your vehicle.

5. Opt for a more fuel-efficient car

If you want to buy a new car, consider fuel-efficient vehicles with low gas emissions as these vehicles can help you lower the fuel costs and protect the environment as well. Ideally, a hybrid or electric vehicle is taken into consideration if you can afford.
2012 Honda CR-Z Hybrid Car

Hybrid vehicles can help you lower the fuel costs and protect the environment.

6. Don’t abuse driving

The simplest way to decrease your vehicle emissions is not to drive it as much. Consider walking, biking, taking public transportation or joining a carpooling rather driving your car everywhere you go.

Join a carpooling is better than driving your car all time.