6 driving habits to cut off up to 25% fuel consumption

Updated Dec 11, 2017 | Same topic: Save fuel - Save Earth

These simple driving habits will help you cut off up to 25% fuel consumption.

Results of many studies on how driving style influences on CO2 emissions and fuel consumption indicate that eco-driving style not only benefits the environment but also saves our money on fuel bills by up to 25%. Follow these 6 driving habits will create a big impact on the environment and help you save a significant amount of fuel consumption.

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Fuel Efficiency: Driving Habits

>>> Click here if you want to become an eco-friendly driver

1. Drive smoothly

Aggressive driving such as sudden brake, rapid acceleration and speeding is a very bad habit that consumes a considerable amount of fuel. It’s better to brake softer and earlier, accelerate smoothly and try to stay in one lane in case it’s safe to do. These good driving habits are likewise helpful for you to prolong your car’s tires and brakes life alongside spending less on fuel.

A car on the road

It’s better to brake softer and earlier, accelerate smoothly and try to stay in one lane in case it’s safe to do

2. Slow down

Driving constantly under the speed limit helps to improve fuel efficiency

Going over the limit wastes more fuel. You can save up to 10 - 15% of fuel while driving at 90 km/h instead of 100 km/h. Also, using constant speed can conserve fuel. It’s lucky that you can easily do that with cruise control which allows you to set and maintain your car at the most fuel-efficient speed.

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How To Use Cruise Control In A Car EASILY!

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3. No idling

Leaving your car idling is a wasteful way to use the fuel and also, a terrible thing to do for the environment. So try to limit the fuel consumption from idling as much as possible by turning the engine off while waiting at a stop light or in heavy traffic.

No idling sign

Try to limit the fuel consumption from idling as much as possible

4. Remove unnecessary cargo

an overloaded car

The energy consumption is also influenced by the weights of things carried on your car

The energy consumption is also influenced by the weights of things carried on your car. Overweighting increases energy spending on acceleration. Remember that the lighter your car is, the less fuel it consumes.

In addition, carrying huge stuff at the roof might increase aerodynamic drag on your car. So try to put it inside of the car or attach it to the rear while traveling. Besides, you should keep your sunroof and windows closed to reduce the wind resistance and increase fuel economy.

5. Combine trips

A long trip might guzzles less fuel than a lot of short ones. Thus, it's strong suggested to combine your trips to maximize your fuel efficiency.

plan your trip

Plan your journey and combine trips to increase fuel economy

6. Keep your car in best condition

The way that you take care of your car also has big impact on energy consumption; therefore, keeping it in peak condition by using proper tires pressure, recommended oil and keeping your engine tuned will help you save more money on fuel. Make sure you are aware of these 5 common mistakes in car maintenance to avoid.

You have gone through 6 driving habits to improve fuel economy, hope that after reading our article, the cost you spend on fuel this month will significantly decrease. Further, if you're seeking for more useful tips and advice on car buying & selling, car maintenance or safe driving as well on Philkotse.com, please click here.

>>> To keep your car in best shape, check out following articles: