In order to effectively enforce laws, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) has opened a Central Command Center (C3). It is currently in the pilot testing phase, but what it provides is a way for any citizen to be able to report lost or stolen motor vehicles, among others.

WATCH: The LTO's Central Command Center (C3) embarks on its Pilot Testing Phase
To do this, the C3 works in conjunction with the LTO Citisend incident reporting phone app, which is available on Google Play and the Apple App Store. As with most apps, one needs to register by providing their email address and an active mobile number.
On the home screen of the Citisend app is a “report incident” drop-down selection box where one can choose the kind of incident to report. The app also has an emergency phone call feature, as well as an emergency tracking feature.
Besides the Citisend app, the C3 facility itself also has a call center where staff are available to receive telephone calls. The line is open 24/7 and can be reached through the aforementioned Citisend app’s emergency phone call feature. One can also reach the said facility through the 1-342-586 C3 hotline.
With the growing number of cars nationwide, this Central Command Center will hopefully be of help to law enforcers
As mentioned, the C3 is still in its testing stages. But once it is fully operational, it will also be able to accept road accident and traffic incident reports. These will then be forwarded to a dispatch officer, who will then inform a first responder stationed near the particular incident.
Of note, the C3 project was launched back in September 22, 2020, on a budget of Php 950 million. It is equipped with a Motor Vehicle Recognition and Enforcement System (MVRES) which relies on license plate recognition software, as well as RFID scanning.
For the latest news on infrastructure and other government projects related to motoring, keep reading here on Philkotse.
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