Auto emergency: Do and Don'ts of fixing a car's stuck gas pedal

Updated Oct 16, 2020 | Same topic: Handy Maintenance Tips

One of the most life-threatening situations is when the gas pedal gets stuck and the car is throttling insanely! What we should do and shouldn't do? Let's check out!

Imagine driving on the freeway or just speeding along lazily at a moderate speed and then you suddenly find out that the brake pedal is not releasing and just staying depressed. If there is apprehension that it can happen while driving in Metro Manila, and your car will have little room to accelerate. One of the biggest problems with these situations is the build-up of speed that generates power; that when hitting another object can result in pulverizing both of the vehicles if the ends collide.

This problem can happen anywhere, so knowing how to deal when the gas pedal becomes stuck will save your life, and maybe minimize collateral damage too. In this article, will provide Filipino drivers with invaluable skills to react and apply cooly when suffering locked pedal.

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How to fix stuck, jam or bad gas pedal in car

I. The DOs

1. Keep Calm

Don’t panic or lose your head when in that moment control is important! Panic will not be a good reaction because fixing a stuck gas pedal can only be done properly with an alert mind with open eyes, with a steely resolve to get out of the situation in one piece!

Stress can even make the situation worse so try to access the situation and keep everyone calm.  Take a deep breath and double check if everyone is buckled in for the deadly ride or not.

Keep calm when facing problem

Take a deep breath and be ready to deal with the problem

2. Use controlled steering

Try to steer from obstacles and use controlled steering, and never pull hard to the left or right!

Controlled steering

You are advised to use controlled steering

3. Move the shifter into neutral and steer the car to safety on the road's shoulder

One of the most important aspects of fixing a stuck gas pedal is all about having steering and braking control at all times. Placing the engine on neutral to prevent the engine from adding speed. And the car is left with forwarding momentum only, and it will slow down in time!

Move the gear shifter into neutral

Put the gear selector into the neutral to stop the engine from adding speed

Keep the engine on will keep steering and slow brakes presses can be done; to gently steer the car into the shoulder. This prevents collisions or minimizes collateral damage to minimal! It also keeps everyone or if only the driver in one piece to know what to do and not to do when the gas pedal becomes stuck!

II. The DON'Ts

Now the ground rules that should be done when and if this does happen to anyone. Just remember that any misstep is a sure ball for disaster or maybe having worse than that to happens.

1. Don't close your eyes

Never close your eyes and hold the steering when for dear life or just let go, but that’s not an alternative for anyone though.

2. Step on the brakes and pull the hand brake

Choose this and decide to slam on the brakes and lock the rear wheels to halt abruptly or cause it to slow down. This is the most knee jerk reaction for most drivers; even veteran drivers as well, because it is automatic to slam on the brakes and instinctive too.

Step in the brake

Don't step on the brakes to avoid the oversteer or understeer

This action can lead to one of the worst outcomes and the most disastrous too! When careening and throttling at speed, the car still has a grip on the road, but when running close to one hundred kilometers per hour then it is practically skating on the road's surface. Applying any brakes will cause oversteer or understeer because the tires lose grip on the road. Using the handbrake will lock the rear wheels and may cause it to turn turtle too!

>>> Read more: How to use your car brakes properly

3. Turn off the engine 

Choosing this over braking just to avoid losing control. But, no dice because it leaves the car in a no better situation as using handbrakes or foot brakes. To stop the acceleration of the car; the ignition is turned off! Some more experience drivers might do this.

For starters, this may work on a slower road with almost no cars, but drivers won’t fare any better! When turning off the engine, there are several problems that are double trouble. With the engine turned off, the steering will not work because some are electric steering and the steering wheel will be locked.

turn off the engine

With an inactive engine, the steering wheel will be locked

Another thing to consider is the brakes will be hard to step on, and the ABS won’t work. Loss of steering that locks steering; until it collides with a car or any obstacle at great speed. Steering is crucial and more important than braking, especially when your car's gas pedal got stuck.

There’s really a slim chance that a stuck gas pedal will happen, but on the off-chance what to do and not to do when the gas pedal becomes stuck will save a life and other lives! This far better than panicking and having the worst case scenario happen though.

>>> Click here to read our article in car maintenance and get more handy tips

Norjan Ismail Abbas

Norjan Ismail Abbas


Norjan enjoys writing about various topics, and car is among them. Don't ever ask him which his most favorite car is since he has none. He believes each car is beautiful in its own way.

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