Finding a parking spot in PH: How to avoid parking mayhem during Christmas

Updated Aug 16, 2022 | Same topic: Let's Drive Smart!

5 handy strategies to help you reserve a perfect parking space during the Holiday Season

Looking at how crowded a popular store is, lines of people waiting to avail of a Christmas discount or just shopping around for their loved ones and we really that Christmas is already here. 

You're now ready for a whole day of Christmas shopping. You take off with your lists, cash, credit cards, trusted friend that will tag along with you for all the shopping bags you anticipate to bring. You get in your car and about a thirty-minute drive, you arrive at your destination, the shopping mall. Once inside, you stroll around for what seemed an eternity just looking for a spot to park your car on and get going with your tasks for the day.

It's almost as if you have to compete or maneuver a car to a screeching halt just to secure a parking space. Right now, parking space has become a scarcity that almost everyone needs. It's a commodity that everyone could simply put a price on. With a population of 104 million Filipinos, at least a whopping 70% owns a vehicle. Be it a motorcycle, tricycle, jeepney, and cars. With this huge number of auto circulating on the roads, where would all of these vehicles park?

Here are some of the tips from that you can follow to score a parking space in the Holiday season.

1. Pick that row no matter how far it is

Chances are, rows and spaces of parking areas located near a shopping mall's door are occupied. Heck, somebody in their car might be waiting for someone to come out of it right now. In order to save time and gasoline, look for parking areas far from a shopping mall's entrance.

Whatever space that becomes available at that given moment, you'll have to take it. If it's the only available parking space, immediately park there. If you took another lap of searching around for a more convenient option, chances are, someone else is going to park there. Don't waste that chance.

Parking area

In order to save time and gasoline, look for parking areas far from a shopping mall's entrance.

2. Choose to sit and wait

Instead of actively looking for a spot to park your car, just patiently wait in your car and listen to some tunes to pass the time away. In five minutes or so, someone will leave the premises and you can instantly park your car in the spot they left behind.

Man handling the steering wheel

It is better to patiently wait and sit still until someone leaves the premises rather than going around looking for a vacant parking space.

3. Parking areas that are away from the vicinity

People always neglect to go for something that will reward them on a long-term basis for something that is convenient; the same with parking psychology, especially during the holidays. In this next tip, it encourages you to park on areas that may seem unconventional, but you have to.

For example, you'd like to park at the storefront of a famous dress shop. You look at the rows and see all of it parked with cars from people shopping inside. Why not look at the back? These areas are usually neglected because it is far from the store's door but in dire situations like this, you'll just have to take what's in front of you and grab it.

Parking area

Park on areas that may seem unconventional but you have to

4. Mind your manners and your temper

Yes, it might test your patience to have to wait and it can be irritating to be unable to do anything, given the situation happening in front of you; but these things are beyond your control. You can only choose to accept it. You can't do away with the fact that someone gets there ahead of you. In this situation, you always have to be prepared of what is likely going to happen. This includes a calm, aware, and sensitive attitude to bring.

Also, be wary of honking to someone that is about to leave their parking spot. Nothing more is irritating than to hear honks from a stranger that demands them to immediately get out of the way. Always wait for them patiently and give them a smile before they leave. A little sign of gratitude to ease the irritation away.


Be wary of honking to someone that is about to leave their parking spot.

On this particular note, did you know that other countries embraced this problem and came with a technology-ridden solution? They developed mobile applications wherein you can consult it for parking areas nearby and pay for a reservation immediately. If you have the money, might as well do this.

5. Try Parking Apps

In the Philippines, there is one particular app that took advantage of the situation and gave an immediate solution. It is a mobile app wherein reservations of parking spaces are done ahead of a particular day and payments are made. This app is called “Mobile Dibz”. The app aims to resolve the problem of motorists by not having an area to park in despite the many parking areas allocated for them. Since the beginning of its availability in the app market, it has reached over 50,000 downloads.

Dibz Parking! Metro Manila's On-demand Parking Reservation and Mobile Valet App

Prior to the development of the app, their study showed that Metro Manila has many parking areas that are not used or fully utilized. Oftentimes, they are neglected. With the use of this app, those “neglected” areas will be suggested to motorists that use the app to regulate the circulation of vehicles as well. Aside from offering this primary service to their users, this app can also be used to avail valet services.

Furthermore, the app also has an extra function wherein people can put up unutilized parking spaces for extra income. According to one of the application's founder, he once experienced not being able to park. Some of the people that he's about to meet told him that they're already in the vicinity but is unable to park because there was no area available.

Follow these tips to find a vacant parking space this Holiday season. It wouldn't be easy but staying calm and positive will help you. Don't let your temper get the best of you. And remember that there are other drivers that are looking for parking spaces too. 

>>> More useful tips for intelligent parking: 

Hanna Sanchez

Hanna Sanchez


Hanna is one of the most competitive swimmers in the country during her day. It was not long before she discovered her passion for the automotive industry as well. Nowadays, she balances her passion through writing as well as coaching.

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