The “no window hours” policy to be permanent implemented

Updated Jun 09, 2017 | Same topic: Latest Consumer Reports

All private vehicles will be banned from plying radial, circumferential and other major streets from the hours between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
The Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) met with concerned organizations to help find methods to ease traffic jams. The MMDA recently announced that the “no window hours” policy for the number coding scheme will be permanent after it was proven effective.

In an interview with reporters, newly-appointed MMDA Chairman Danilo Lim said the “no window hours” policy has been proven effective in easing vehicular congestion across the metropolis, particularly along EDSA. Lim also pointed out that they are seeking an ultimate solution to the city's traffic problem. But for now, there are no alternatives yet for the “no window hours” policy.

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A road packed with cars

The MMDA recently announced that the “no window hours” policy for the number coding scheme will be permanent after it was proven effective
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Officer in Charge for Operations, Roberto Almadin shared that the number coding scheme is crucial due to the heavy vehicular volume in EDSA as well as other major streets in Metro Manila.

He further explained: “Around 6,800 vehicles pass through EDSA, more than its capacity of 6,000 vehicles. Illegal parking also occurs on secondary roads thus, we believe that the no window hour number coding scheme is effective in improving the traffic situation in Metro Manila.”

The revised Unified Vehicular Reduction Program (UVRP) prohibits all private vehicles on a certain day of the week, depending on the digits ending on their license plates, from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. These vehicles are banned from plying radial, circumferential and other major roads. Public utility vehicles (PUVs) are also covered by the policy but are banned only from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

The following digits ending license plates are not allowed on the corresponding days:
  • Monday – 1 & 2
  • Tuesday – 3 & 4
  • Wednesday – 5 & 6
  • Thursday – 7 & 8
  • Friday – 9 & 0
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'No window hours' policy