Jetour PH rolls out hotline assistance, chatbot service

Updated Sep 13, 2023 | Same topic: Automotive Industry Updates

A big step up for the brand in terms of customer interactivity. 

Communication between Jetour PH and its customers is now easier with the introduction of the brand’s new hotline assistance service and its new chatbot assistant. 

Jetour's new hotline and the new Kendee chatbot service

Jetour's new hotline and the new Kendee chatbot service

For the Jetour Hotline Assistance, this can be reached at 0917-5-JETOUR (0917-553-8687). Through this, prospective car buyers can inquire about the brand’s lineup of vehicles. Customers can likewise schedule test drive sessions through the hotline. 

Existing Jetour owners can also schedule service appointments via the new hotline. On top of that, one may also use the hotline number to ask about parts availability, and ask questions about their vehicle’s preventive maintenance schedules

Of note, the brand’s hotline assistance service is available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. For weekends and holidays, however, the hotline number is able to take messages so a customer service representative may get back to a customer on the next business day. 

A picture of a Jetour customer assistance rep.

These new services make it easier for customers to contact Jetour

The other new customer service measure Jetour has rolled out is its very own chatbot. Dubbed as “Kendee,” the chatbot is also the brand’s official mascot. 

Kendee is easy to access as it works through Facebook Messenger. Simply click on the “Message” button on the official Jetour Auto Philippines pages on FB and Instagram, click “Get Started”, and the chatbot will immediately send three main options to choose from. These include a list of all of the brand’s cars and their respective prices, a list of ongoing promos, and an option to request technical support. 

The first two are pretty self-explanatory, but tech support provides a form of online help for a customer experiencing issues with their vehicles. For this, the chatbot will require a user to provide his or her name, the unit model, and a description of the issue. Beyond this, a live agent will step in to address a customer’s concerns. 

Kendee appears to be a stylized, cuter version of the Jetour Ice Cream EV

Kendee appears to be a stylized, cuter version of the Jetour Ice Cream EV

Other than those serious functions, Kendee can also provide fun vehicle facts and helpful car care tips. It can even list off Jetour’s scheduled events. 

For more car news and automotive industry updates, keep it here on Philkotse

Know more about Jetour


In the Philippines, Jetour offers three different car models. The Ice Cream EV is the most affordable, while the X70 crossover is the most expensive model. The brand has two crossovers, there's the Dashing and the X70. Its smallest model meanwhile, is the Ice Cream. 

Here at, we provide a complete Jetour Philippines Price list for 2023, which we update every month. Besides that, we also list the latest and hottest car promos ranging from low monthly amortizations, cash discounts, and low downpayments.