Everything drivers need to know about car warranty

Updated Aug 09, 2022 | Same topic: Best Advice for Car Buyers

Protecting your vehicle with a car warranty is a great way to save money on repair and maintenance.

There are a lot of things that every Filipino motorist should consider before taking charge of the steering wheel and sashaying around on the road with a brand new car or a “new” used vehicle.

After the sleek design and color, the engine performance, financial capabilities, and payment options have been considered; most motorists would care to discuss after-sales service.

Warranties and repairs are usually neglected. For an average car owner, all that it takes for a car to be deemed as operational is when it functions properly. Little do these people know that every valuable investment needs to maintained and looked after.

Roadside assistance

Luckily, I got a car warranty

On average, a person would spend around Php 10,000.00 to a maximum of Php 80,000.00 for a year’s cost of repairs. Luckily, manufacturers of various car brands provide an after-sales warranty that can mitigate a Filipino motorist’s expenditure to ensure the longevity of his car’s life.

This article from Philkotse.com will discuss the basics of car warranties for both brand new and used cars.

1. What is a car warranty?

A car warranty is a guarantee provided by a car manufacturer to cover the cost of repairs under certain conditions and limitations. Most of the time, warranty factors include the mileage and the number of years you have been driving the vehicle.

In the Philippines, vehicles usually come with a 3-year warranty. There are specific car models and manufacturers that are expanding their customer service delivery by providing a 5-year warranty on particular car models. The warranty period begins on the date that the customer takes delivery of the vehicle.

car warranty when buying car

A car warranty is a guarantee provided by a car manufacturer to cover the cost of repairs under certain conditions and limitations

2. Kinds of Car Warranties

Basic Warranty

Otherwise referred to as the Bumper-to-Bumper warranty, the manufacturer will repair for car parts that they exclusively supply. Repairs are usually made on car parts that are not subject to the usual “wear and tear” or parts that are exposed to damage due to the longevity of use.

In a nutshell, a basic warranty can shoulder for the repairs of car parts with the following items excluded fuses, bearings, rubber parts, wiper blades and etc.

Basic warranty

For basic warranty, the manufacturer will repair for car parts that they exclusively supply

Powertrain Warranty

Let’s face it; any damage to the engine or vehicle parts that directly affect the car’s performance is a cost every motorist are scared of. Luckily, there is a powertrain warranty that takes the car for the repair of the transmission parts, parts relating to the engine and main mechanical parts as well.

Powertrain warranty

Powertrain warranty that takes the car for the repair of the transmission parts, engine parts, and mechanical parts

Since a car is made out of steel and metal parts, it is exposed to the risk of rust and corrosion. This warranty answers specifically for “corrosive” concerns.

Roadside Assistance Warranty

There are unfortunate incidents on the road wherein a car would break down because of various cases. With this warranty, you are sure that someone will tow your car when emergency cases arise.

>>> Worth to note: How to survive from different driving incidents on the road

3. Five things you need to check in your warranty

Yearly Coverage or Mileage

Like what was mentioned earlier, a car manufacturer can provide either a 3-year warranty or a 5-year warranty. However, it will be quoted for your mileage use. In average, a Filipino driver would drive for 13,000 miles a year. This means that your mileage would expire your warranty first than the actual year of purchase.

It is helpful to note of your mileage because this is the most common basis of service centers on whether your repairs are still under warranty or not. So, if you like to drive around, be wary of your mileage count. Your warranty might be expiring sooner than you think.

Car gauge and mileage

A car warranty is also quoted for the car mileage use

Coverage of your warranty

As enumerated above, a lot of warranties offer various kinds of coverage.  It is essential noting what parts of your car are under warranty so that you can prepare for necessary financial resources if ever repairs aren’t covered.

At the same time, when you go into a service center, ask an auto technician if the parts they are replacing yours with a brand new one.

Man checking the car engine

It is essential to note which parts are covered in your car warranty

>>> Be careful before You Say Yes to an Extended Warranty

Extra Charges

Always make it a habit to read and understand what your warranty contains, what it covers, what you need to pay or how long until you can consume its freebies. There are cases when manufacturers would only provide a free servicing for repairs but the parts that will be replaced a broken part needs to be shouldered by the owner.

The purpose of a warranty is to mitigate expenditures pertaining to car maintenance and repairs, but there are instances where maintenance and actual repairs are free of charge. Read unto the warranty to prepare for the costs that come with repairs and replacement of parts.

Extra charges car warranty

Read your car warranty policy carefully to avoid extra fees

Choice of picking your own mechanic

Some warranties include a vehicle owner’s choice of picking a mechanic that will handle the repairs or have an available one at the service center to have the car checked.

Just make sure that the mechanic that will take care of car repairs and maintenance will not void your warranty and is the one you trust when it comes to your vehicle.

Can it be transferred?

In most cases, motorists would their mileage would use up before the warranty is expired. If that’s the case, you can always choose to extend your warranty or purchase another one.

But, what if you’re put into a situation where you need to transfer the ownership of your vehicles such as moving to another place or selling it due to financial difficulties and other causes?

When you want to sell your car, it is good to know that a transferable warranty is an advantage over other sellers. Not to mention the fact that you can sell it quite faster than average turnaround time.

There are a lot of things that a motorist needs to learn. Not just driving skills but the legalities of owning a vehicle as well. Life is an endless journey of seeking knowledge and discoveries. Knowing how your warranties work will give you a pearl of practical wisdom on when you could consume it at your advantage.

>>> Click here to get more helpful tips and advice for all car owners.

Hanna Sanchez

Hanna Sanchez


Hanna is one of the most competitive swimmers in the country during her day. It was not long before she discovered her passion for the automotive industry as well. Nowadays, she balances her passion through writing as well as coaching.

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