Honda CR-V
Cr-v 2.0s Gas - P 1,658,000
Cr-v v diesel 9at - P 1,688,000
Cr-v s diesel 9at - P 1,858,000
Cr-v sx diesel 9at awd - P 2,125,000
All-in lowdown Promo
faster and smoother transaction
no hidden charges
S gas - P 107,000
5yrs - P 35,139
V dsl - P 108,000
5yrs P 35,775
S dsl - P 122,000
5yrs - P 39,368
Sx dsl awd - P 164,000
5yrs - 45,036
All in Promo is Subject to to Bank Approval.
Any transaction is Welcome
We also accept trade in any brand
1. Fill up Application form
2. 2 valid I''ds gov. Issue
3. Original proof of billing
4. Certificate of employment
5. Latest ITR
6. 3 mons bank statement