Ford Ranger
2016 ford ranger xlt mt 300k ok for 2 gives 200k dp 100k after 1 month. Or 200k dp then 6 mos installment 19,200 6 mos to pay 15% interest plus 44 mos remaining
starting july 26 at 25,732 with issued ucpb checks
22 black rhino mags and sailun tires upgraded worth 120k
muffler and exhaust upgraded worth 50k
2nd owner
28k mileage
end c.s 5
2nd owner
complete docs
exact unit locatioN: country homes vista verde cainta
Req: 2 valid ids, checks,300 cash or 200k cash plus 6 checks issued to 2nd owner, no deed sale yet untill full dp , 44 checks for the monthly issued to regs owner
owned house, c.i.