UV vans is on route,and jeepney...the first photo is NISSAN NV350 model 2016,body type Van,no.of cyclinder 4, Piston 2480,18 seater,engine number YD25400372A, located at dau Olongapo terminal,the other Van is 18 seater,NISSAN URVAN,model 2011,cyclinder head 4,engine no. TD27911459,the jeepney with a color blue is Angeles dau Mabalacat route is 20 seater,cyclinder head 4 engine number 4BA1593641,is a jitney type by mitsubishi brand engine 1981 model, the Green jeepney is located at maingate Clark is 20 seater,body type jitney,engine by FUZU no. of cyclinder 4,model 2001,we sell it because me and my husband decided to move to other country for good please contact me for all details and price tnx..
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