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Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars

Posted on 26/03/2019

Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars 1/11
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-0
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-1
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-2
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-3
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-4
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-5
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-6
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-7
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-8
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-9
Mitsubishi Grandis 1997 surplus - Asialink pre owned cars-10

₱ 120,000

  • Mitsubishi
  • Grandis
  • 1997
  • Used
  • White
  • Manual
  • 110,000Km
This listing has expired View other Mitsubishi Grandis here

Price and Payment term

  • ₱ 120,000

Seller Information



Mitsubishi Grandis

For sealed/close bidding with required bid bond of 5k,
refundable if you are not the highest bidder or if your offer was not approved,
forfeited if your offer was approved and you backed out.

We don''t accept offer through text or pm.
you need to fill out a bid form and provide a 5,000.00
bid bond to formalize your bid/offer. Thanks.

for faster transaction pls call 09065059159

no aircon
some parts of the body have rust pls see picture above
check engine sensor

Car services

According to the Philkotse auto loan calculator, the Mitsubishi Grandis installment price for a 20% deposit of will have an estimated monthly payment of ₱ 4,195 for 36 months.

  • 0
  • 120,000
  • 4,195
  • Apply for a loan
  • How to use Loan Calculator?
  • 1. Enter the total price of the car you like.
  • 2. Choose your preferred downpayment percentage.
  • 3. Choose your preferred financing term (12 to 60 months).
  • 4. You can use the default interest rate or choose to adjust as needed.
  • 5. View results and choose a monthly payment term that is convenient for you.
Disclaimer: The computation here is based on 1.3% interest rate. Interest rates may differ depending on the loan provider (bank or in-house). The amounts listed don't represent any offer from Philkotse or any of its financing partners.

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