Mazda CX-3
89K All in promo for Mazda CX3 CX5 2 3 6 CX9 BT50 2018 207 2016 2015
Bring home the Compact SUV of the year from Japan
2018 MAzda CX-3 Skyactiv
CX-3 Pro
89K all in Promo tru BPI
5 yrs - 26K
other banks
129K all in
5 yrs - 26K
Cx-3 Sports
89K all in promo tru BPI
5 yrs - 28K
Other banks
129K all in
5 yrs - 28K
All comes with:
3 Yrs LTO REg w/ TPL
Chattle Mortgage
1 Yr Insurance w/ AOG
3M full tint, Mazda Matting