Car lights and the importance of checking them regularly

Updated Nov 30, 2022 | Same topic: Handy Maintenance Tips

Car lights significantly contribute to preventing the occurrences of accidents, especially at night. Keep reading to know the importance of regular lighting check and the ways on how to keep it functioning!

Every car has interior and exterior lights that play a crucial role for every driver. Car interior lights enable drivers to see things inside the vehicle, which is needed when driving. Drivers will be able to see the amount of gas left in the tank, as well as the speed they are going.

Car lights

Every car has interior and exterior lights that play a crucial role for every driver

Similarly, the exterior lights of the car are essential. It enables the driver to see everything there is on the road. Additionally, these lights enable other drivers to see other vehicles on the way. It significantly contributes to preventing the occurrences of accidents, especially at night.

With that being said, drivers and car owners like you should know the importance of regular lighting checks and the ways on how to keep it functioning. This article from will help you understand the importance of regular car light check.

1. Different car lights

It will be easier for you to maintain vehicle lights if you are familiar with them. Here are the different car lights that you need to familiarize with.


Headlights have two types - the high beam and low beam. It enables drivers to have a clear view of the roadway, particularly during the night or in the dark (like in tunnels). These lights also signal other drivers of the car’s presence. A low beam gives a light distribution that provides enough lateral and forward illumination without too much glare that blinds other motorists and pedestrians.

On the other hand, high beams give intense, center-weighted light distribution without particular glare control. It should only be utilized if there is no visible car (coming or going) in front of you.

car headlight

Headlights have two types - the high beam and low beam


This car exterior light is at the rear part of the car, hence the name. It is required only to generate red light and is wired to illuminate whenever the headlights are lit. Taillights signal motorists traveling behind you of your presence, and it will help them determine your distance from their vehicle.

Tail light

The taillight is at the rear part of the car, hence the name

Daytime running lights

You will find these lights in both the back and front part of your vehicle. Daytime running lights, in general, automatically turn on; but some car models have a switch, so drivers have an option to turn it off. These lights are designed to make vehicles more visible to other drivers; however, some motorists find it distracting in oncoming vehicles.

Daytime running lights

Daytime running lights, in general, automatically turn on

Fog light

These lights are situated near the headlights. Generally, fog lights are mounted low so that, it won’t refract on the fog and glare back towards the driver. These lights should be utilized only when the headlights aren’t effective in the fog.

Fog lights

Fog lights are situated near the headlights

Signal lights

Signal lights are also called blinkers or turn signals. It is situated in the front and back part of the vehicle, particularly beside the taillights and headlights. These lights are used to indicate other motorists (and even pedestrians) that you will be turning soon, in the direction indicated by the signal light. The drivers will get the message, and they will most probably be slowing down.

Signal lights

Signal lights are also called blinkers or turn signals

Brake lights

These lights are situated alongside the rear lights. It is used to signal other motorists that you are stopping or slowing down. You don’t have to worry about misusing it since brake lights can only be activated by applying the brakes. But, make sure these lights are maintained and functioning correctly.

>>> Read more:

brake lights

These lights are situated alongside the rear lights

Hazards lights

Hazards lights are also called flashers. It is situated in the front and rear parts of the car.  Once activated, hazard lights admit a flashing signal that sends a message to other road users indicating that you're either in distress, experiencing a problem, or in immediate danger. Hazard lights should only be utilized as a warning of traffic problems or trouble.

hazard lights

Hazards lights are also called flashers, situated in the front and rear part of the car

Car cabin lights

Car cabin lights are also known with various other names like car ceiling roof lights, car interior dome lamps,.... They are situated in the interior part of your vehicle. It's utilized to illuminate the cabin so that the driver and passengers can check directions or maps conveniently and to also locate their things in the dark. However, these lights should not be used for an extended period.

car cabin lights

Car cabin lights are situated in the interior part of your vehicle

2. Why is regular lighting check important?


The car’s lights are the key for a car to be seen on the road. These lights, as aforementioned, have specific purposes and are essential to keep your safety, the safety of your passengers as well as other motorists.

If you want to be the most responsible and the safest driver and car owner out there, you should not ignore regular lighting checks and maintenance. It will ensure that the lights of your vehicle will function properly.

>>> Check out: 3 essential equipment & 5 tips for Pinoy drivers to drive safely at night.


When on the road, drivers communicate using car lights. Brake lights, for example, will tell the driver behind you that you are stopping. Signal lights will indicate that you are turning in a particular direction and will allow drivers to slow down and will prevent a car crash. Regular lighting checks will ensure that these car lights are functioning correctly and will guarantee constant communication with other drivers.

headlight upgrades

When on the road, drivers communicate using car lights


Interior car lights such as dashboard lights tell different information that is vital for every driver. There are several dashboard lights, like, ABS light, check engine light, battery alert light, oil pressure warning, oil change reminder, tire pressure monitoring system, airbag light, etc.

These lights are indicators if there is something wrong with the operations of the car that should be addressed immediately. If these lights malfunction, it will be hard to determine the specific problems in your car unless it already shows symptoms.

It indicates that the problem is already severe. You must regularly check if all these lights are functioning correctly because it provides vital information about the systems and workings of the car.

use car light properly

It is the primary purpose of car lights - to provide visibility inside and outside of the vehicle


It is the primary purpose of car lights - to provide visibility inside and outside of the vehicle. Regular lighting check will ensure that you have clear visibility of the road and will provide the needed illumination in the cabin. If the car lights are not functioning correctly, it will not only cause you major inconvenience but will also put you, your passenger's life and the life of other road users at risk.

Hanna Sanchez

Hanna Sanchez


Hanna is one of the most competitive swimmers in the country during her day. It was not long before she discovered her passion for the automotive industry as well. Nowadays, she balances her passion through writing as well as coaching.

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